Michigan Interscholastic Volleyball Coaches Association
Please rate each session you attend: 1 = Poor 5 = Excellent.
Kristen Kelsay - “Why Are Values So Important?”
Kristen Kelsay - My First MSU Practice as Head Coach
Jason Palmitier - Coaching Boy’s Volleyball
Kristen Kelsay - Ball Setter Ball Hitter: What are we looking at
Shari Oole - Sideline Treatment of Common Injuries
Charley Andrews - Ball Control Drills
Charley Andrews - Brian Cryst - Small Groups, High Reps
Cathy George & Mike Gawlik - “We have a Drill for that!”
Tia Brandel-Wilhelm & Becky Schmidt - Power Hour
Tia Brandel-Wilhelm - Attacking Tech
Charley Andrews - Attacking Tactical
Jamy Bechler - Developing Team Leadership
Panel Members - MHSAA State Champions Panel
Jamy Bechler - Creative Team-Building Activities
Charley Andrews - Blocking
Becky Schmidt - Defense Advanced
Tia Brandel-Wilhelm - Defense Beginning
Tia Brandel-Wilhelm & Becky Schmidt - Secret Sauce to Success
Charley Andrews - S’Middle
Becky Schmidt - Setting Mentality
Shari Oole - Common Taping Techniques
Becky Schmidt - Outside Hitter Alphabet
Tia Brandel-Wilhelm - Sideout Offense
Kim Lockhart - State Champs Favorite Drills
Aaron Wedge - State Champs Favorite Drills