Michigan Interscholastic Volleyball Coaches Association

grant/Scholarship Recipients

Kelby Goldschmeding

Schoolcraft High School
Grant Recipient

Savanah Kokaly

Garber High School
Grant Recipient

Breann June

North Branch High School
Grant Recipient

Brooke Brauher

Morley Stanwood High School
Scholarship Recipient 

Cassandra Barton

Cheboygan High School
Scholarship Recipient

Olivia Kowalkowski

Notre Dame Prep
Scholarship Recipient

Chloe Pace

Gabriel Richard High School
Grant Recipient

Kalie Murphy

Standish Sterling High School
Grant Recipient

Grayson VerBerkmoes

McBain High School
Grant Recipient

Kamryn Wolf

Temperance Bedford High School
Scholarship Recipient 

Riya Patel

Garden City High School
Scholarship Recipient

Taylor Krzyzaniak

Standish Sterling High School
Scholarship Recipient

MIVCA Grants

Available to sons and daughters of MIVCA members.  These grants are based upon academics and the student’s demonstration of leadership and service in their school and community.  Student senior pictures will need to be uploaded at the time of application.   Participation in athletics is not necessary. Grants are presented at the MIVCA Clinic.

**NOTE – This grant is available to member’s children only, not players whom you coach.

The grant is available to sons and daughters of MIVCA members. The student does not have to participate in athletics. This grant is based upon academics, and to students who have demonstrated leadership and demonstrated service to their school and community.

This application must be submitted by Feb. 1

MIVCA Grant:

MIVCA offers three scholarships of $750.00 each. These are distributed every year using the criteria listed on the application page.

Email questions to Rkozuch@morleystanwood.org

MIVCA Educational Scholarship

Awarded to any SENIOR player whose coach is a MIVCA member.  A brief essay focusing on one’s future as well as a senior picture is required.  Extra-curricular involvement, community service and honors received need to be listed, as well as, the student’s leadership roles in school and community.  Two letters of recommendations must be attached to the application.  A total of eight scholarships are now awarded.

This application must be submitted by Feb. 1

MIVCA Scholarship:

MIVCA offers three scholarships of $750.00 each.  These are distributed every year using the criteria listed on the application page.

Email questions to Rkozuch@morleystanwood.org

Prior Years